Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tennis Tips: How to Fix A Long Forehand

When playing tennis, do you find yourself always hitting your forehand well long? If so, this article is for you. In this article, we will be discussing how to tweak your forehand so you stop hitting the ball long, and start hitting it in the court, thereby greatly improving your tennis game.

One possible reason for your shot going long, is that you may be turning your racquet upwards just before impact with the ball. To correct this, try to grab the handle of your tennis racquet tightly just before impact with the ball, this will help you keep your wrist from turning and keep the ball down in the court.

Another method to keep your forehand in the court is to slightly tilt the face of your tennis racquet downwards on your backswing. The racquet face naturally opens up as you move through your swing, so when you make contact with the ball, the racquet should be practically vertical.

Another potential cause for a long forehand is if you drop the racquet head below the ball at the point of contact. The long axis of your tennis racquet should be horizontal at impact. If the racquet head is much below your hand, you'll tend to "golf" the ball upward. Keep in mind, you do want to begin your swing well below the ball, but at impact you want to be horizontal.

As with above, if you begin your swing low, you can create more top spin on the ball. This spin will make the tennis ball drop faster and more likely to land in the court. You can also try rotating your grip slightly clockwise (for righties), toward the western grip. This will make your racquet head open later in the swing, and therefore generate more top spin.

Also, try to hit off your front foot instead of your back foot, if you hit leaning back, the ball has a tendency to go long. Also, make sure to make contact with the tennis ball at the right place. You might be making contact to far in front of your body, try moving the contact point back and the ball may stay in the court.

Hopefully these tips will greatly improve your forehand and ability to keep the ball in the court.



Player to Player: How to Avoid Hitting into the Net

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